Let Me Squeeze My Back End Into One of These Little Bitty Chairs

Last night was parent-teacher conferences for Pumpkin at preschool. I wasn’t really expecting much – she’s only been in that particular classroom for a few weeks (and during her first week she had a tantrum that involved dumping a full jar of glitter all over the place. Stubborn streak? Not this kid). In conference with her previous teacher, the woman tried to tell me that Pumpkin didn’t recognize any letters or numbers – a fact I knew wasn’t true. Granted – I knew she didn’t know them ALL, but she knew some. Three year olds are tricky that way – if they don’t want to do something, they will drag their feet – even if their mom wants to hear from the teacher how their genius kid knows the alphabet forward and backward and how maybe next week she’ll be moving on to doing advanced math.

With that in mind, I was prepared to hear the same ol thing. Instead I was pleasantly surprised. My kiddo knows all her shapes (well, she knows ten of the eleven they tested her on – she knew hexagon and octogon… but not rectangle? Huh). Recognizes the letters and numbers – or most of ’em. They were THRILLED beyond belief that she chooses to “read” – that in free time, sometimes she’ll grab a book and sit down with it.

And oddly enough, it was surprising to hear them heap all this praise on her because at home she’s pretty content to hang out in The Princess’s shadow – following her big sis all over and wanting to be like her (though there’s no doubt in my mind that that is how she soaked up some of her information. Guess sibling worship CAN come in handy).

The conference went amazingly well.

Well, until I had to try to get up from those itty bitty chairs so close to the floor. It was then I vowed never to do lunges and squats the day before conferences EVER AGAIN. You definitely need your leg muscles to not be all hurty and useless trying to get out of those chairs!

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. The Courteous Chihuahua says

    LOL at the dumped glitter, only because I didn’t have to clean it up!

  2. Yeah, I was grateful the glitter mess was at school and not home!!

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