I saw a tweet on Twitter last night asking if anyone was going to do this 101 Things Project. I wrote back asking what it was and was referred to Day Zero. So, me, being the raging dork that I am decided that I am going to give it a try – starting 1/1/09 I want to make a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days.
There are many reasons, the biggest of which is that I have found it too easy to nestle into my comfort zones and not challenge myself. There is so much more that I could be doing, but I don’t and there’s no good reason why. That’s crazy, right?
The killer won’t be actually getting this stuff done – I’m fiercely competitive and really love feeling like I’ve accomplished something. But coming up with a list of 101 things? That’s HARD. I’ve got 24 so far.
The idea is that these things have to be measurable – I can’t just say I want to be a nicer person (that’s just crazy talk because I’m already pretty nice).
Some things I’ve already got on my list are:
1. Fundraise and participate in Relay for Life
2. Spend a day at the beach
3. Quit using regular batteries – buy rechargeables!
4. Start a new family tradition
Please, help me make my list by adding stuff in the comments below. Once the new year starts, I’ll probably have a place to track my progress on this project. Think big and get me “outside of the box”.
Volunteer at the local SPCA
Take an art class (painting, sketching, etc)
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Video tape yourself playing one song on your guitar, and post it here LOL
Bungee Jump….okay, okay….I know you probably won’t really do that one. LOL
Hey, Sarah! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my list. I’m looking forward to this!!!