So, you probably noticed I changed from one generic template to another today and all of the sudden this place doesn’t look quite how it used to. I got bored. And the thing is, I’m not wild and whacky enough to have created something unique and special and creative on my own – so I’m living large with this lovely Blogger-created generic template.
Oh, you love me anyway.
What you might not have noticed is the little doohickey on my side panel there. Yup. The cute little pink badge. I’ve put a copy of it above so you can see it – it’s very pretty, no? That’s what I’ve been up to lately – working with some amazing folks over at Blissfully Domestic, feeding my love for all that is entertainment: television, books, movies, and music. It’s been a fun time and you all should definitely come check it out, if for no other reason than to tell me that I’m overanalyzing Grey’s Anatomy.
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