The Day After The Day

Yesterday was huge, everyone. Huge. Last night, I camped out on the couch watching the election results come in on CBS (I just like Katie Couric – and honestly, she just kept talking and talking and didn’t flub all over herself like I surely would after all those hours). I think I gave up too early – turning the television off around 10 p.m., a mere hour before they called the election in Obama’s favor.



I try not to talk politics too often – because I believe that we all have the right to believe what we want, and frankly, I don’t want to argue my beliefs with people. Surely, you can find someone way smarter about that stuff to fight with than me. I really try to stay informed of the issues, and I know that I tip far more to the liberal side of the spectrum than the conservative. That’s okay by me.

Beyond the presidential stuff, it was another amazing day weather wise in Michigan. Bright sun, warm temps. I even broke out the flip flops today. In November. In Michigan. Definitely a week of history-making.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.

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