I Love Me a MixTape

I found a link today to a website called MixWit – over to the right, you’ll see a mix that I made – you should be able to just click play and have it play music. Aesthetically, I don’t like the way it looks there, so I may remove it (bonus – you can hear my mix on FaceBook, I think).

Anyway, it’s tons of fun, and if you make a mix, let me know so I can come check out your tunes.

Edited: I have it all the way at the bottom now – in the sidebar, you could only see half of it. So, scroll down.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. How cool! I saw something similar (alled muxtape-i think) on another website and was thinking of making one…gonna go listen to yours now!

  2. I’ve seen Muxtape also… I liked this one a little better, but that’s just me.


  3. rudecactus says

    Very cool! I’ll have to check that out!

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