Thursday Ten, Volume 10

1. Today, I bought a new nail polish. It’s blue. OPI’s Yoga-ta Get this Blue. I may be too old for it – but totally don’t care. It’s hott. Yes, hot with two t’s. It’s that hot.

2. Music of the week – Counting Crows’ new album “Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings”. It came out Tuesday and I’ve been listening to it non-stop. Love it. Especially the Sunday Mornings half. This is better than “Hard Candy” and better than “This Desert Life”. It’s pretty amazing.

3. My sister passed her State Boards yesterday – she’s now a licensed cosmetologist. She’ll be dye-ing my hair again this weekend. We’ll see if we can get it any color other than brown.

4. Other new music… “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis. Nice.

5. Pumpkin is loving her school and she had her second potty success on Tuesday. She got a marshmallow. Go girl.

6. This yo-yo weather is killing my sinuses. I have been fighting a headache off and on for several days. I hate feeling this way. I really do. (Insert more whining here).

7. My BFF is moving forty miles away and I’m bumming pretty badly about it. She took me out for ice cream the other night to try to ease the pain. I ate far too much ice cream, and the weather wasn’t really ice cream appropriate, but it was good to hang with her. I’m going to hate not having her less than a mile away.

8. Less than a month til the end of tax season. What a long several months it’s been, yes?

9. I rented a DVD of the television show “Entourage” and I’ve been watching that while I’ve been on the treadmill lately. I think I may need to get HBO. There are some funny shows on HBO!

10. One of my favorite things about being home sans kids is getting to play whatever music I want, however loudly I want – and singing along, and maybe dancing a little and just in general being silly in the middle of the day for no reason. I mean, I painted my nails while doing work. You can’t just do that when kids are around, as inevitably they need you to get something, which will almost always smudge you.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. Babe, I know 40 miles may seem far away if she’s lived where you live now, but my BFFs live nowhere near me. Ruby lives about 10 hours away and Inkling lives 40 hours away… I would love it if I could drive one hour or less to see either one them. If your friendship is real, you’ll still be BFFs. You just have to keep in mind that things change, but that change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Inkling and I had to learn that when she moved to Canada.

  2. I LOVE the blue. It’s so pretty.

    I’m going to get that CD tonight.

    I’m sorry your friend is moving. It’ll be alright when you get used to it.

    It’s also about the end of tire chain season. And yes, it’s been a looong several months.

  3. Art the Omnipotent says

    I know how it is to have your best buddy so far away. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss Farmie something awful.

    Yay for Counting Crows and yay for Bleedin’ Love. I have been listening to it non stop. I have a weakness for pop fluff.

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