…For the Jack Johnson concert! (And it’s my SISTER!)
Saturday morning, I took the girls to wait in line with me to get Jack Johnson tickets. I know, it sounds gruesome, but what it entails is picking up a cappuccino for me, donuts for them, and waiting ten minutes for the tickets to go on sale at 10 a.m. – we didn’t camp out or anything! Easily snagged two tickets, and headed home.
I had decided to buy tickets, worry about who would come with me later – because I really want to go. Hubby has never heard of Jack Johnson (don’t ask – he’s really not a music-lover like I am anyway), and I would prefer to take someone who would enjoy the show. I have vivid flashbacks of taking an ex with me to see Tori Amos in 1995 and he hated every minute of it – I should have taken a friend of mine who would have adored the show too. NEVER AGAIN.
Concerts are too expensive to waste on someone who doesn’t care about the performer.
So, today I took the girlies to see my sister’s new place. While I was there, I had to brag about getting my tickets to the show. She said, “Jack Johnson? I Loooooooooooove Jack Johnson!” I offered to sell her my second ticket, and she may come with me. Of course, she may buy two tickets and she and her boyfriend will come (which leaves me in my originally situation of needing to see ticket 2, but I know I’ll be able to).
I turned on some of the latest CD in the car the other day, seeing what Hubby thought, but he was quite clearly bored with it all, so I think I’d like a more enthusiastic date. Here’s hoping my sis decides to join me.
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