Bah Humbug?

Since a few days before Thanksgiving, The Princess has been hounding Hubby about putting up the Christmas tree. I have been dragging my feet, because while I loved to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving in my pre-children life, it’s a habit I’ve become less thrilled about lately. The thing is, when you have young kids, a Christmas tree is not a peaceful, joyous sign of the holiday. It’s not. It’s a huge safety hazard and it’s something you are going to spend the next few weeks telling the kids to stop touching, stop moving the ornaments, stop shaking it, stop stop stop.

It has been up less than 24 hours (I apparently was outvoted on the whole “let’s wait a few weeks before putting up the tree” thing). I already want the darn thing down. Pumpkin has taken to dragging a footstool next to the bottom of the tree, standing on it, and touching every ornament she can reach. Of course, the ornaments that play music are the most popular ones (WHO bought those for us anyway?) – every time one of the girl squeezes one of those ornaments to activate it, the tree lists to the left and I think it’s going to fall over. It hasn’t… yet. But it’s not even December yet.

The ornaments, hung mostly by the kids are pretty much at mid-tree level. That is arm’s length for The Princess. The cheapy, won’t-break ornaments are all at the bottom branch level. And all the kids want the lights on – ALL THE TIME.

It’s going to be a long month!

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.

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