This week is insanely busy. Seems like I overbooked myself, and I keep wondering how I’ll still be standing come Friday. Today started with a to-do list of about seven things – the first one being to call my dentist for an unexpected appointment. Somehow, most likely due to Pumpkin head butting me yesterday, I chipped a tooth. In itself, this is odd because I had just been talking to a friend about his tooth getting chipped (though I totally didn’t chip mine in that same way!)… and then… sheesh. It wasn’t visible unless you really stared and were looking for it – even the dentist had a hard time finding it – but I like my teeth, I knew it was there, and I wanted it fixed by golly. Today, we also had a playdate scheduled and I had dinner plans with a friend for her birthday.
I have never taken both of my kids with me to the dentist. I’m pretty sure I may never do it again. My dentist recruited a hygienist to baby sit my kids while he checked things out. I felt horrible that the poor hygienist ended up taking Pumpkin down the elevator three times, and then sat in the waiting room play area with my kids – but, I have to say, it was a quiet time for me.
Dinner was fantastic – my friend had a margarita bigger than her head, we ate yummy enchiladas, and then we went to the mall to shop while she was metabolizing some of her drink before she would drive home (I got two super cute shirts! Yay me).
Tomorrow continues the streak. The Princess has school, but I have (fun stuff) my yearly physical. Boooooooooooooooo. Then a conference call. Double boooooooo. Wednesday is another appointment. Thursday is soccer for The Princess, softball for Hubby (so here’s hoping I’m able to wrangle the girls in bed without his help in time for the new Grey’s Anatomy!). Friday is my eye exam (I hate having my eyes checked – I really get skeeved out with the eye doc getting so close to my face. I must have boundary issues). Also Friday, I want to try to smuggle some treats into Hubby’s office so his co-workers can celebrate his birthday with him, a day early.
(Oh, I have to buy him a card and gift too… When? Shuuuuuuucks).
This week is freakin’ insane.
Omgoodness, that is an insane week, but, it’ll be nice to get all of your appts over with before the end of the year, eh ?
Happy Birthday to your hubby. You’re a very sweet wife to surprise him like that !
Oh goody – The Princess came home from school and though I thought she’d recovered from her bug, she’s MISERABLE. This will make the second half of the weeks super duper fun. Now we’ll be squeezing in an appt for her to see the doc – she’s had a fever for far too long – need to make sure whatever crud she has isn’t bacterial…