March Madness – Instinct over Knowledge

The March Madness brackets came out Sunday and Hubby and I both went through last night and made our picks for the winners and Final Four and all that stuff. Let me say this: I hate basketball. I just went through the brackets willy-nilly and picked the teams that struck me – in other words: gut instinct. Hubby, of course, looked at their records and what see they are, blah blah blah.

At one point, he looked at one of my picks and said, “You picked a fourteenth seed to upset the number three seed – that’s really quite the upset” or some such. Huh? I don’t even know what that means! If you know, please don’t explain it to me – I don’t even want to know… I was just having fun. Joke’s on him if any of my picks actually win!

We’re going to keep track of who gets the most right in the next few weeks – I have a lot riding on my win: Hubby does night wakings with Pumpkin for a FULL week, plus I get to go out on a nice date with my Hubby. Hubby hasn’t said what is in store for him if he wins, but I’ve told him to keep it clean – it’s only basketball, afterall.

About sarah

Sarah is a book nerd, a music lover, an endorphin junkie, a coffee addict. Oh, and a goof ball. She writes, she tweets, and she sings off key.


  1. I almost forgot about that whole March thing…..a guy I dated a long time ago basically disappeared for the entire month….fortunately, my fiance is athletic but not into watching sports. Thank goodness….I’d rather get a root canal than watch March Madness….good luck with your choices….maybe your picks will win, sort of like in Hoosiers (the one basketball movie that is actually sort of fun to watch)

  2. Farm Wife says

    Here’s hoping for your upset! That night duty is a precious thing!

    *I’ve never heard of prevnar for ear infections! I’ll have to check that out. My kids were given it to prevent Pneumonia.*

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